FYP:Main character

Hey guys,

Now that I have moved forward with my idea I now need the assets. In case you didn’t see in my proposal, I mentioned that I will not be creating the assets for my game because I am not an artist and due to the time limit.

The two characters who the players will pay attention to the most in the game are the Knight and the Dragon. For the Knight Stan Ward modelled, textured and animated him, Stan is an industry vet so I am so happy he did this for me so a HUGE thank you to him. I also wanted a knight where no one could determine the gender of this character this way the player could decide if it was a boy or a girl.

As for the Dragon I wanted it to match the art style which Stan provided me with so it took me a while but I found some models which were amazing! It was by a company called BitGem, check them out.

Thanks and lets continue



Thanks and lets continue.