FYP:Touch Screen + Fire

Hey guys,

I have been hard at work and have added some more cool features which is going to help make the game awesome! As you saw in my earlier posts I have got the game working on tablet. Now I have the touch screen controls working so you can make the character jump, duck and charge. With the script I had the help from a very good designer and friend of mine Friedrich Brilling who created this script for the touch inputs.

It works fine but I ran into a few problems with it as when I first attached it to the game object containing the knight it would not play any of the animations. But I realized I need to attach it to the Knight itself so that way it could access the animation files. Which reminds me getting the animation files them self to work, the problem was I was not importing them and setting it to Legacy mode.

One other feature I completed for the game was the fireballs which the dragon now fires at the player. I created a gameobject which is a child of the dragon so it will aim using the following script from earlier. After I got it firing at the player I needed it to think how I could warn the player that the dragon is about to shoot at them? I added a particle effect at the side of the dragons mouth which you can see in the post before with the pic of the dragon.

Thanks and lets continue


Fireball attacks